Conspiracy Theories in Russia

Russia World Cup 2018: Conspiracy Theories

Before I set off I felt that a number of people were seriously worried that I might not be returning from the trip.

Well, whilst in Volgograd, I was using my device to find the way to Mamayev Kurgan. At first it suggested a main road.... that looked far to easy. Then it suggested another route! So off I went down some alley, along a dirt track, and though some woodland. Now I heard that there was recreations of the Battle Of Stalingrad. So as I got there I was impressed that they had made it realistic as I made my way towards the monument.


Then a Russian soldier came from nowhere. This was clearly off limits and I was politely shown an acceptable route.

Another reason for not making it back might be a failure of my transport. So far everything has gone to plan, but every now and again I have received messages that have confused me slightly. The latest one troubling me is from Aereoflot.

Now I checked and my next flight with Aeroflot is actually my flight home! I have checked my booking and everything seems fine, but if it is cancelled..... sorry work!

Saransk to Kazan

Saransk Guide


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